Франція. Préface de Cromwell


Victor Hugo


Préface de Cromwell


Le drame qu'on va lire n'a rien qui le recommande à l'attention ou à la bienveillance du public. Il n'a point, pour attirer sur lui l'intérêt des opinions politiques, l'avantage du veto de la censure administrative, ni même, pour lui concilier tout d'abord la sympathie littéraire des hommes de goût, l'honneur d'avoir été officiellement rejeté par un comité de lecture infaillible.

Il s'offre donc aux regards, seul, pauvre et nu, comme l'infirme de l'évangile, solus, pauper, nudus.

Ce n'est pas du reste sans quelque hésitation que l'auteur de ce drame s'est déterminé à le charger de notes et d'avant-propos. Ces choses sont d'ordinaire fort indifférentes aux lecteurs. Ils s'informent plutôt du talent d'un écrivain que de ses façons de voir et, qu'un ouvrage soit bon ou mauvais, peu leur importe sur quelles idées il est assis, dans quel esprit il a germé. On ne visite guère les caves d'un édifice dont on a parcouru les salles, et quand on mange le fruit de l'arbre, on se soucie peu de sa racine.

D'un autre côté, notes et préfaces sont quelquefois un moyen commode d'augmenter le poids d'un livre et d'accroître, en apparence du moins, l'importance d'un travail ; c'est une tactique semblable à celle de ces généraux d'armée, qui, pour rendre plus imposant leur front de bataille, mettent en ligne jusqu'à leurs bagages. Puis, tandis que les critiques s'acharnent sur la préface et les érudits sur les notes, il peut arriver que l'ouvrage lui-même leur échappe et passe intact à travers leurs feux croisés, comme une armée qui se tire d'un mauvais pas entre deux combats d'avant-postes et d'arrière-garde.

Ces motifs, si considérables qu'ils soient, ne sont pas ceux qui ont décidé l'auteur. Ce volume n'avait pas besoin d'être enflé, il n'est déjà que trop gros. Ensuite, et l'auteur ne sait comment cela se fait, ses préfaces, franches et naïves, ont toujours servi près des critiques plutôt à le compromettre qu'à le protéger. Loin de lui être de bons et fidèles boucliers, elles lui ont joué le mauvais tour de ces costumes étranges qui, signalant dans la bataille le soldat qui les porte, lui attirent tous les coups et ne sont à l'épreuve d'aucun.

Des considérations d'un autre ordre ont influé sur l'auteur. Il lui a semblé que si, en effet, on ne visite guère par plaisir les caves d'un édifice, on n'est pas fâché quelquefois d'en examiner les fondements. Il se livrera donc, encore une fois, avec une préface, à la colère des feuilletons. Che sara, sara . Il n'a jamais pris grand souci de la fortune de ses ouvrages, et il s'effraye peu du qu'en dira-t-on littéraire. Dans cette flagrante discussion qui met aux prises les théâtres et l'école, le public et les académies, on n'entendra peut-être pas sans quelque intérêt la voix d'un solitaire apprentif de nature et de vérité, qui s'est de bonne heure retiré du monde littéraire par amour des lettres, et qui apporte de la bonne foi à défaut de bon goût, de la conviction à défaut de talent, des études à défaut de science.

Il se bornera du reste à des considérations générales sur l'art, sans en faire le moins du monde un boulevard à son propre ouvrage, sans prétendre écrire un réquisitoire ni un plaidoyer pour ou contre qui que ce soit. L'attaque ou la défense de son livre est pour lui moins que pour tout autre la chose importante. Et puis les luttes personnelles ne lui conviennent pas. C'est toujours un spectacle misérable que de voir ferrailler les amours-propres. Il proteste donc d'avance contre toute interprétation de ses idées, toute application de ses paroles, disant avec le fabuliste espagnol :

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Con su pan se lo coma.

À la vérité, plusieurs des principaux champions des "saines doctrines littéraires" lui ont fait l'honneur de lui jeter le gant, jusque dans sa profonde obscurité, à lui, simple et imperceptible spectateur de cette curieuse mêlée. Il n'aura pas la fatuité de le relever. Voici, dans les pages qui vont suivre, les observations qu'il pourrait leur opposer ; voici sa fronde et sa pierre ; mais d'autres, s'ils veulent, les jetteront à la tête des Goliaths classiques.

Cela dit, passons.

Partons d'un fait: la même nature de civilisation, ou, pour employer une expression plus précise, quoique plus étendue, la même société n'a pas toujours occupé la terre. Le genre humain dans son ensemble a grandi, s'est développé, a mûri comme un de nous. Il a été enfant, il a été homme ; nous assistons maintenant à son imposante vieillesse. Avant l'époque que la société moderne a nommée antique, il existe une autre ère, que les anciens appelaient fabuleuse, et qu'il serait plus exact d'appeler primitive. Voilà donc trois grands ordres de choses successifs dans la civilisation, depuis son origine jusqu'à nos jours. Or, comme la poésie se superpose toujours à la société, nous allons essayer de démêler, d'après la forme de celle- ci, quel a dû être le caractère de l'autre, à ces trois grands âges du monde : les temps primitifs, les temps antiques, les temps modernes.

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We provide customers with opportunities to learn who they are meeting in person, what the ladies enjoy, and what they would anticipate from a man like you. so that you can appreciate it more. We ensure that all of our girls are independent and independent-minded. They are either islamabad call girl of college students or working-class women who work for extra cash or recreation. To put it another way, none of the ladies working for us in Islamabad have a term of less than one year.


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We are aware that you have been having itchy feelings all day and that you would like some alone time with the lovely person in order to have a good time. We have heard you, and that is all we are doing at this time. There are no hard feelings, only a wonderful time. This is exactly what we offer here. We provide you Islamabad escorts the most reliable Lahore model service. Provide the internet-based services you seek 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We are ensuring that you have a fantastic time in Lahore. Also, it is our top focus to ensure that all of our professional and enthusiastic models are doing this for fun or to earn additional income.


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You should not be concerned about the quality of females in Karachi, as these ladies provide nothing but the finest girls' service available. These women have so many intriguing facets that you must comprehend prior to engaging their services. You cannot hire someone without first conducting research and gaining knowledge about them. The girls in Karachi have the necessary Karachi escortand experience to perform this task. It is a wonderful opportunity for you to experience the sensual touch of some of the most attractive women around. Their clients are always interested in hiring these women. Therefore, you must act quickly to secure the girl of your choosing. If you get along well with these women, they will do anything for you.


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You can get the best girl in college if you join us, because she knows how to do her work well. She is taking a few days off from school to work as Escorts In Islamabad. If you spend a night with her, you will want to stay in touch with her for a long time. But it is only available for a limited time. You can book it today or a few weeks in advance. Tonight, you can buy from this sale. You should stay the night with them if you can. Your work that makes you money will be done by tonight.


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There are also ads in Lahore from people who are just looking for new friends. Most of the time, there is no "typical" backup plan or way out. These people come from many different places. Some Lahore Escorts do this on a low-maintenance basis, but there are also people for whom this is their main source of income. These kinds of escorts are actually private business owners who take care of their appointments, finances, making their product, and their overall business at Escort Lahore.


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Call Girls In Karachi Are thought to be very impatient and sexy for sex. She is very hungry for sex. She works very hard to get her customers to want sex. She likes to talk sexy with her customers. They get paid to rub customers\' bodies with their hot bodies, which the customers really like.


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Do you like to go out and have fun in Lahore's fancy places? If so, you're not the only one. It's never a good idea to go to a party by yourself. It's not as fun and exciting as spending time with close friends and girlfriends. Call Girls In Lahore can help if you are going to a party tonight by yourself. You can go to different places in the city with our party girls.


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Pakistan Call Girls are Providing Night Services at Cheap and Affordable Prices. Our VIP Models are Famous for their Services... Islamabad escorts Islamabad escorts Islamabad escorts Islamabad escorts


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Many attractive women in Need a Girl for Sex in Karachi find employment outside of the home. You can hire these females to come to your hotel room or another location of your choice to provide sexual services. Even more convenient, some of the girls provide in-call options. You can choose from a wide variety of body types and ages when you book a night with a Karachi call lady, and you'll have an unforgettable time with a trained seductress. In addition to participating in the activity, you will also get the opportunity to meet the women who make it possible.


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If you plan on employing a personal companion, it is recommended that they be accompanied at all times by a luxury escort. These attractive escort girls in islamabad are also covered by insurance and available for a sexy job on your behalf. If you want to have fun in Islamabad and not have to worry about taking care of your kids or doing any of the housekeeping, attractive women in Islamabad are a great idea.


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When it comes to Islamabad-based agencies, ours is among the best. In the industry, we have the highest reputation for dependability and trust. Because of this, our call girl services are always in high demand among men. Please get in touch with us if the joys of sexual intimacy and companionship are something you want. Get yourself some of the best college girls in Islamabad and have a blast. Enjoy the freedom of dating gorgeous, self-sufficient call ladies in the comfort of your own home. Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel Dany Daniel


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Here at Karachi Call Girl, we welcome girls and models of the highest class from all around the world. Our organization is actively serving the Call Girl Karachi community by offering excellent customer service. Only Karachi girls whatsapp number with a history of negative behavior need apply. If a young lady receives more than one inappropriate gift, we will no longer give it to her.


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Our wonderful crew is here to escape for a while in the comfort of our stunning, independently run office in Islamabad. Please don't hesitate to submit an application in any of the available fields. Female companions in Islamabad for a private and relaxing evening There is no generation of erotica fans who haven't at least once visited Educated Call Girls in Islamabad, since they are Models Escorts the most promising professionals in the city. Many of our clients have expressed an interest in returning for additional business. The city of Islamabad in the Pakistan state of Uttar Pradesh is well-known for its cutting-edge information technology industry.


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Like your coworker, the Educated Call Girls in Karachi guarantees that you will enjoy spending your downtime among a posh bunch of top-tier supermodels. Getting ahead and dating attractive young women are mutually exclusive options. They are women who work as prostitutes or artisans and give the best amusement and squabbling for mailmen and travelers. Photos of Escorts for Night found on this site are guaranteed to be authentic; they were taken by staff members of this very office.


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Like your coworker, the Educated Call Girls in Karachi guarantees that you will enjoy spending your downtime among a posh bunch of top-tier supermodels. Getting ahead and dating attractive young women are mutually exclusive options. They are women who work as prostitutes or artisans and give the best amusement and squabbling for mailmen and travelers. Photos of Karachi call girls found on this site are guaranteed to be authentic; they were taken by staff members of this very office. sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan sexy Models Girls in Pakistan


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Like your coworker, the Educated Call Girls in Karachi guarantees that you will enjoy spending your downtime among a posh bunch of top-tier supermodels. Getting ahead and dating attractive Escorts in Karachi are mutually exclusive options. They are women who work as prostitutes or artisans and give the best amusement and squabbling for mailmen and travelers. Photos of Karachi call girls found on this site are guaranteed to be authentic; they were taken by staff members of this very office.


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Our wonderful crew is here to escape for a while in the comfort of our stunning, independently run office in Islamabad. Please don't hesitate to submit an application in any of the available fields. Female companions in Islamabad for a private and relaxing evening There is no generation of erotica fans who haven't at least once visited Educated Escorts in Islamabad since they are among the most promising professionals in the city. Many of our clients have expressed an interest in returning for additional business. The city of Islamabad in the Pakistan state of is well-known for its cutting-edge information technology industry.


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Karachi is in the middle of Karachi. It is the main city of Pakistan. It is thought to be the best place in Pakistan for business, education, and culture. In addition to these things, Karachi also has sex with girl in Karachi, which are a lot of fun for both people who live there and people who come from far away.


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We\'ve put our girls\' gallery into groups based on how popular and well-liked it is among our real customers. The most expensive escort service you can find in Islamabad is called \"Islamabad hot girl.\" Our women have also been the most beautiful and stylish people in Islamabad.


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We show you what VIP Escorts in Lahore are all about from start to finish. You can also see how beautiful our escorts are by going to the exhibition page, which has their photos and profiles.


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Don't waste your time looking for Islamabad girls dp Karachi Girls dpz Karachi Girls dp Islamabad Girls dpz Perfect Girl girls Beautiful Girl Girls Pic Naked Girls whatsapp dp for girls pakistani girls beautiful girl pic girl picture perfect girls girl photo nangi girl teen girl cute girls dpz desi girl to hang out with on sites that aren't useful. Instead, hire a real escort for the night and have a good time with them.


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Consult Our Pakistani Escorts About Massage Therapy In addition to pair games, dating, and role-playing services, they can also provide massage therapy. This means that if you want to receive a great massage at home but don't want to call a massage service on the phone, you may hire Pakistani escorts and get the massage therapy for a reasonable price.


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So, if you're interested in using any of these Pakistan escorts services, contact a reputable company like Pakistan Escorts and also just make your request. Then you may relax and also take pleasure in the fact that the service provider will take care of the rest to guarantee you receive the greatest response to your request


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Our best young call girl in Pakistan. Having a girl is not enough, she has to be absolutely perfect for your needs. Our Escort Pakistan older girls often have longing bodies and are not as entertaining as young escorts in Pakistan. While recruiting, we ensure that each girl is of the perfect age to please our clients the way they want.


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Our best young call girl in Pakistan. Having a girl is not enough, she has to be absolutely perfect for your needs. Our Escort Pakistan older girls often have longing bodies and are not as entertaining as young escorts in Pakistan. While recruiting, we ensure that each girl is of the perfect age to please our clients the way they want.


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You can take our escort girls to know more about our Females. You can visit malls, movies, cafes, pubs, bars, hotels and restaurants. When you are with him, you will be able to ignore all your stress because they make you more aware and attentive to what he has to say. For outings and tours, you need to book them at least four to five days in advance through Pakistan escort service. Based on this they will put you on the calendar for the day of the meeting. This will ensure that no customer is left unsatisfied. Since you are their top priority, they didn't answer any calls or chats from other users when you were around.


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The escortkarachi.xyz offers a range of hot girl sex in Karachi for customers to enjoy, providing a carefully curated experience that is sure to please. Customers can easily find Karachi escorts through the organization's website.


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It's not just about physical pleasure, but our call girls also provide relaxation and comfort to our clients. We recommend that clients book a Call Boy in Lahore for their convenience, but we are flexible and can accommodate requests for home visits as well. We accept all forms of online payment to make transactions easier and more secure for our clients.


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Looking for a steamy encounter with a call girl in Karachi? Look no further than VIP Escorts Karachi. Our agency offers a variety of stunning escorts who are available around the clock to satisfy your every desire. Our services range from sensual massages to full-on sexual experiences, ensuring that you get exactly what you want. Our highly experienced girls are experts at pleasing their clients and are sure to exceed your expectations. Whether you prefer an exotic lady or a classic beauty, we have the perfect match for you. Our affordable and reliable service makes us the top choice for those seeking the naughtiest call girls in town!


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If you're seeking a pleasurable experience, consider the sex services offered in Karachi. Our team of highly-rated sex girl numbers is dedicated to providing an exceptional experience that will leave you craving more.


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It can be difficult to find the top call girls in Islamabad, Pakistan. It might be difficult to know where to begin with so many different companies and websites providing services. Reading evaluations from previous clients is the first step in researching various businesses and what they have to offer. You'll get an overview of the level of service that each business offers, specifics on pricing, and other facts that could influence your choice. In order for the agencies to match you with a lady who will meet your needs, the second step is to get in touch with them directly or fill out an online form with some basic information about yourself, like your age, gender, and preferences. By doing this, you will have a better idea of the kind of service they offer and whether it lives up to your standards.


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(visit to my website karachiescorts.website) Many men hire call girls in Karachi, but they never reveal their secrets. It would be best if you did the same. Our society is quite hypocritical, and your call girls in karachi youtube will judge you. So, it would help if you were secretive about such matters. Our girls will take care of these things and never reveal your identity to anyone else. So, when you hire us, you are safe. Whatever happens between you and our ladies will forever be kept a secret.


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Are you looking for some fun in Lahore? If so, you have come to the right place! We have compiled a list of some of the best Lahore Escorts and Call Girls in the city. Our selection includes a variety of beautiful and affordable High quality Escort services in Lahore. So whether you're looking for some Hot Girls you to an event or just a night of pleasure, you're sure to find what you're looking for here.


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You might also want to completely disregard the holiday. You can choose to view her classmates in a more private setting behind closed hotel room doors. She might have a nice little costume if she requested a character, allowing her to flaunt her curves. Find a female CIM supporter and voice your concerns to her.


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Choose an appealing independent call girl who people want to date if you want to enjoy this experience with a call girls in pakistan. Many young guys are ready to live out their goal of dating a woman and spending time with her at the movies, the park, the hotel, or the disco when they meet an independent call girl.


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I will provide the best possibilities for companionship when a customer travels to this city for a professional or personal encounter, like being informed of all the specifics. To discuss this issue, you can speak with escorts in lahore directly. For instance, if you're in Lahore for business and also want to engage in some personal pleasure, you can pick a stunning call girl to spend the entire day with here. If you're thinking about meeting a call girl, simply looking for the best qualities will help you identify the best call girls who have the aforementioned traits.


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Do you want to make out with the top escorts in Lahore? Check out Pakistani Top Models right away! We have been giving our clients the greatest experience possible for more than 5 years and provide the best escort girls in Lahore. Our escorts have extensive expertise and training to provide you with the greatest service. At Pakistani Top Models, we make sure that each and every one of our Lahore escorts has undergone a thorough investigation and selection process. Each escort is carefully vetted by our team of experts before being employed. We choose our escorts based on their background, appearance, and personality. This guarantees that we only hire the most best escorts for our team.


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Our doorstep escorts in Karachi and VIP karachi paid girl has a wide range of sexual prowess on hand to entertain you. We have some of the most talented and beautiful young women in the world in our ranks. Our sex girls in Karachi have a wide range of skills and abilities, and their service is no exception. If you’re in Karachi, you’ve got plenty of options for steamy sexual encounters.


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Our doorstep escorts in Lahore and VIP escort near me has a wide range of sexual prowess on hand to entertain you. We have some of the most talented and beautiful young women in the world in our ranks. Our sex girls in Lahore have a wide range of skills and abilities, and their service is no exception. If you’re in Lahore, you’ve got plenty of options for steamy sexual encounters.


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We are proud that our Lahore call girls are beautiful. We favor the appearance of the girls in the first instance. It is important to look good as it is what customers look for. Escorts\\\' looks must be able to attract customers\\\' sensual desires. We are blessed to have these beautiful women who can make you thirsty with their stunning appearance. Our escorts look elegant and beautiful, making them the most beautiful element we offer. There aren\\\'t any beautiful women in other agencies. These ladies can satisfy your desire for sensual pleasure.


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As an independent female escort service in Islamabad, we have taken on the duty of offering clients girls available for night in accordance with their customs and cultures. You may locate the top call girls in Islamabad through our services. We offer a range of Islamabad escorts, from the least expensive to the most expensive. We assert to have Islamabad\'s most attractive escort.


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Найкращу статтю буде опубліковано на сторінках журналу.

Роботи надсилайте за адресою: lit-jur-dnipro-zav.proza@kas-ua.com (із позначкою "Нобелівка").