Франція. Mémoires de Guerre. Tome 3. Le Salut


Charles de Gaulle


Mémoires de Guerre. Tome 3. Le Salut



Le rythme de la libération est d’une extrême rapidité. Six semaines après qu’Alliés et Français ont réussi la percée d’Avranches et débarqué dans le Midi, ils atteignent Anvers, débouchent en Lorraine, pénètrent dans les Vosges. Fin septembre, sauf l’Alsace et ses avancées, ainsi que les cols des Alpes et les réduits de la côte atlantique, le territoire tout entier est purgé d’envahisseurs. L’armée allemande, brisée par la force mécanique des alliés, assaillie en détail par la résistance française, se voit chassée de notre sol en moins de temps qu’elle n’avait mis, naguère, à s’en emparer. Elle ne se rétablira que sur la frontière du Reich, là où l’insurrection ne paralyse plus ses arrières. La marée, en se retirant, découvre donc soudain, d’un bout à l’autre, le corps bouleversé de la France.

Il en résulte que les problèmes innombrables et d’une urgence extrême que comporte la conduite du pays émergeant du fond de l’abîme se posent au pouvoir, à la fois, de la manière la plus pressante, et cela dans le temps même où il est aussi malaisé que possible de les résoudre.

D’abord, pour que l’autorité centrale puisse s’exercer normalement, il faudrait qu’elle fût en mesure d’être informée, de faire parvenir ses ordres, de contrôler leur exécution. Or, pendant de longues semaines, la capitale restera sans moyens de communiquer régulièrement avec les provinces. Les lignes télégraphiques et téléphoniques ont subi des coupures sans nombre. Les postes-radio sont détruits. Il n’y a pas d’avions de liaison français sur les terrains criblés d’entonnoirs. Les chemins de fer sont quasi bloqués. De nos 12 000 locomotives, il nous en reste 2 800. Aucun train, partant de Paris, ne peut atteindre Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Nantes, Lille, Nancy. Aucun ne traverse la Loire entre Nevers et l’Atlantique, ni la Seine entre Mantes et la Manche, ni le Rhône entre Lyon et la Méditerranée. Quant aux routes, 3 000 ponts ont sauté ; 300 000 véhicules, à peine, sont en état de rouler sur 3 millions que nous avions eus ; enfin, le manque d’essence fait qu’un voyage en auto est une véritable aventure. Il faudra deux mois, au moins, pour que s’établisse l’échange régulier des ordres et des rapports, faute duquel le pouvoir ne saurait agir que par saccades.

En même temps, l’arrêt des transports désorganise le ravitaillement. D’autant plus que les stocks avoués de vivres, de matières premières, de combustibles, d’objets fabriqués, ont entièrement disparu. Sans doute un « plan de six mois », prévoyant une première série d’importations américaines, avait-il été dressé par accord entre Alger et Washington. Mais comment le faire jouer alors que nos ports sont inutilisables? Tandis que Dunkerque, Brest, Lorient, Saint- Nazaire, La Rochelle, ainsi que l’accès de Bordeaux, restent aux mains de l’ennemi, Calais, Boulogne, Dieppe, Rouen, Le Havre, Cherbourg, Nantes, Marseille, Toulon, écrasés par les bombardements britanniques et américains et, ensuite, détruits de fond en comble par les garnisons allemandes avant qu’elles mettent bas les armes, n’offrent plus que quais en ruine, bassins crevés, écluses bloquées, chenaux encombrés d’épaves.

Il est vrai que les alliés s’empressent de nous apporter le concours de leur outillage pour rétablir routes et voies ferrées sur les axes stratégiques : Rouen-Lille-Bruxelles et Marseille- Lyon-Nancy; qu’ils nous aident sans délai à aménager nos aérodromes, dans le Nord, dans l’Est et autour de Paris ; qu’ils poseront bientôt un pipe-line du Cotentin à la Lorraine ; que, disposant déjà des ports artificiels d’Arromanches et de Saint-Laurent-sur-Mer, ils ont hâte de prendre Brest et de déblayer Cherbourg, Le Havre et Marseille, afin qu’un tonnage suffisant soit déchargé sur nos côtes. Mais les trains et les camions qui roulent, les avions qui atterrissent et les navires qui abordent sont destinés essentiellement aux forces en opérations. Même, à la demande pressante du commandement militaire, nous sommes amenés à lui fournir une partie du charbon resté sur le carreau des mines, à lui permettre d’utiliser un certain nombre de nos usines en état de fonctionner, à mettre à sa disposition une importante fraction de la main-d’œuvre qui nous reste. Ainsi qu’on pouvait le prévoir, la libération ne va, tout d’abord, apporter au pays disloqué et vidé de tout aucune aisance matérielle.

Du moins lui procure-t-elle une subite détente morale. Cet événement quasi surnaturel, dont on avait tant rêvé, le voilà venu tout à coup ! Aussitôt, disparaît dans la masse la psychologie du silence où la plongeaient, depuis quatre ans, les contraintes de l’occupation. Eh quoi? On peut, du jour au lendemain, parler tout haut, rencontrer qui l’on veut, aller et venir à son gré ! Avec un étonnement ravi, chacun voit s’ouvrir à lui des perspectives auxquelles il n’osait plus penser. Mais, comme le convalescent oublie la crise surmontée et croit la santé revenue, ainsi le peuple français, savourant la joie d’être libre, incline à croire que toutes les épreuves sont finies. Dans l’immédiat, cet état d’esprit porte les gens à une euphorie où le calme trouve son compte. Mais, en même temps, beaucoup se laissent aller à de multiples illusions, d’où résulteront bientôt autant de malentendus.

C’est ainsi que de nombreux Français tendent à confondre la libération avec le terme de la guerre. Les batailles qu’il va falloir livrer, les pertes qu’on devra subir, les restrictions à supporter, jusqu’à ce que l’ennemi soit abattu, on sera porté à les tenir pour des formalités assez vaines et d’autant plus pesantes. Mesurant mal l’étendue de nos ruines, l’effroyable pénurie dans laquelle nous nous trouvons, les servitudes que fait peser sur nous la poursuite du conflit, on suppose que la production va reprendre en grand et rapidement, que le ravitaillement s’améliorera très vite, que tous les éléments d’un renouveau confortable seront bientôt rassemblés. On imagine les alliés, comme des figures d’images d’Épinal, pourvus de ressources inépuisables, tout prêts à les prodiguer au profit de cette France que, pense-t-on, leur amour pour elle les aurait conduits à délivrer et qu’ils voudraient refaire puissante à leurs côtés. Quant à de Gaulle, personnage quelque peu fabuleux, incorporant aux yeux de tous cette prodigieuse libération, on compte qu’il saura accomplir par lui-même tous les miracles attendus.

Pour moi, parvenu en cette fin d’un dramatique été dans un Paris misérable, je ne m’en fais point accroire. Voyant les rations à des taux de famine, les habits élimés, les foyers froids, les lampes éteintes; passant devant des boutiques vides, des usines arrêtées, des gares mortes ; entendant s’élever, déjà, les plaintes des masses, les revendications des groupes, les surenchères des démagogues; certain que, si nous disposons de sympathies chez les peuples, la règle de fer des États est de ne donner rien pour rien et que nous ne reprendrons rang qu’à condition de payer; évaluant lesfsa- crifîces à faire avant que nous ayons arraché notre part de la victoire, puis accompli un premier redressement, je ne puis me bercer d’illusions. D’autant moins que je me sais dépourvu de tout talisman qui permettrait à la nation d’atteindre le but sans douleur. Par contre, le crédit que m’ouvre la France, j’entends l’engager tout entier pour la conduire au salut. Pour commencer, cela consiste à mettre en place le pouvoir ; à provoquer autour de moi l’adhésion de toutes les régions et de toutes les catégories : à fondre en une seule armée les troupes venues de l’Empire et les forces de l’intérieur ; à faire en sorte que le pays reprenne sa vie et son travail sans glisser aux secousses qui le mèneraient à d’autres malheurs.

Il faut agir de haut en bas, mettre au travail le gouvernement. La plupart des « commissaires » d’Alger, qu’ils aient été à mes côtés depuis le temps de « la France Libre » ou qu’ils soient venus me rejoindre en Afrique du Nord, vont rester ministres à Paris. Mais tout me commande d’appeler au pouvoir d’autres personnalités, consacrées elles aussi par la résistance et demeurées à l’intérieur. Cependant, le remaniement ne pourra être immédiat, les ministres en fonction n’arrivant d’Alger que tour à tour. Quatre d’entre eux : Diethelm, Jacquinot, d’Astier, Philip, ont été visiter les troupes de la Ire Armée et les départements du Midi. Massigli s’est rendu à Londres lors de la libération de Paris pour entretenir plus facilement nos rapports avec l’extérieur. Pleven a pu me rejoindre. Mais les autres ont été amenés à différer leur départ. Quant à ceux que je choisis dans la Métropole, plusieurs sortent à peine de la clandestinité et ne peuvent être aussitôt à Paris. C’est seulement le 9 septembre, soit deux semaines après mon arrivée rue Saint-Dominique, que le gouvernement reçoit sa composition nouvelle.

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Deceiving a lot greater organization and endeavoring to pull off it isn't so natural as it used to be since a ton of organizations keep a lot more tight rein on their business in the advanced period and don't consider a ton of missteps. From an individual angle it's difficult to completely denounce a site like DramaCool since really those that created it were those attempting to barely get by and make something that would assist them with succeeding and make something that individuals would appreciate and potentially come to see as a helpful help. The main issue was feeling that they could siphon off of a current organization without the essential consents. Regardless of whether they get them it appears to be that they could have forgotten to consider something a major organization doesn't simply up and step out a more modest site without a valid justification. The possibility that anybody could begin taking business from a contender without first being named a genuine, authentic business is somewhat funny since it's likened to a mosquito humming in your ear, attempting to stand out. Odds are you'll smack the irritating vermin before it has the opportunity to completely hurt you even in the littlest of ways. Also, regardless of whether it land and begins to suck up what it needs to endure the demonstration comprises an immediate test and in this manner an immediate reaction that DramaCool probably felt as a humongous blow chose to have them closed down. That is the one thing that more modest locales online absolutely never appear to acknowledge when they choose to attempt to challenge the greater, more settled organizations. Except if you can figure out how to be viewed as an authentic business then, at that point, it's basically impossible that that anybody will treat you in a serious way. Assuming you choose to go radical and attempt to take on the enormous organizations with next to no protection as far as regardless of whether you can keep close by once they notice you, then, at that point, the more modest organization is quite often going to lose, particularly assuming that they're endeavoring to redirect the matter of those that have been laid out for quite a while. So to summarize it, DramaCool was not working lawfully and subsequently they got closed down quite hard. That happens when you challenge somebody greater and can't back it up.

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DramaCool What Is DramaCool About Online Platform Streaming Content From Japan And Korea What is DramaCool? It is perhaps the most famous online-based stage where the clients can watch films, television series, and so on in HD quality for nothing. One of the known online-based stages where the clients can watch films, television series, and so forth in HD quality free of charge is the DramaCool stage. Most of content on this site is essentially for watchers from Asia and the motion pictures and programs are from Japan, Korea and China. The substance here is accessible in the first language, yet there is additionally a choice to peruse English captions in pretty much every film or TV series. What is DramaCool? There are many locales and applications that are like DramaCool, and every one of these are unlawful (counting Drama Cool), as the substance on these destinations are taken from better places. In numerous nations, it against the law against the law to access and watch pilfered content so it is smarter to utilize a VPN administration to get to them securely, in spite of the fact that it is prudent to not utilize such sites and applications ever and on second thought utilize a membership based help like Hulu or Netflix, and so forth. What is Website DramaCool and Is it Legal? DramaCool It\'s turning into a pattern it appears to download, privateer, and watch content unlawfully on the planet now and Americans are not by any means the only ones that exploit it since DramaCool is one more site that has been tracked down disregarding downloading and it isn\'t theirs to share property that. The site has been closed down now for showing material that had a place with, an organization enrolled in the Philippines that is the biggest link supplier in the nation and is additionally not going to take somebody encroaching on their licensed innovation delicately. In the same way as other different locales before it up to this point DramaCool appears to have been exposed to a quick kick in the benefits with regards to their endeavors to accomplish something that individuals ought to have taken in their example about. The justification behind locales like this springing up could be in every way because of intricate tricks by the authentic organizations that dip in and choose to take them out, causing them to seem like the heroes as they choose to think often about their clients and their prosperity with regards to amusement, however that sounds a piece implausible in any event, for this present reality. It\'s not all the way impossible since it would place the organizations in a decent light with individuals that rely upon them, however the possibility of somebody finding out and afterward blaming them for this extortion would be excessively perfect. That is the reason it\'s such a ton simpler to believe that locales like DramaCool are just those that are attempting to make a couple of ejects and are defrauding of those that are now deep rooted while attempting to remain unnoticed however much as could be expected. A major issue with that anyway is that it\'s remarkably difficult to remain unnoticed these occasions with regards to innovation since you nearly need to go off the framework and figure out how to arrive at the clients you\'re chasing or figure out how to slip into the framework you\'re endeavoring to dupe and redirect their business such that they won\'t ever take note. A ton of it has to do with doing the math and concealing data that could somehow be utilized to upset one\'s sprouting business, but unlawful, incredibly. Clearly DramaCool didn\'t cover their tracks all around ok as they were found out and had their site dropped and possible needed to pay a restitutions of some kind. Deceiving a lot greater organization and endeavoring to pull off it isn\'t so natural as it used to be since a ton of organizations keep a lot more tight rein on their business in the advanced period and don\'t consider a ton of missteps. From an individual angle it\'s difficult to completely denounce a site like DramaCool since really those that created it were those attempting to barely get by and make something that would assist them with succeeding and make something that individuals would appreciate and potentially come to see as a helpful help. The main issue was feeling that they could siphon off of a current organization without the essential consents. Regardless of whether they get them it appears to be that they could have forgotten to consider something a major organization doesn\'t simply up and step out a more modest site without a valid justification. The possibility that anybody could begin taking business from a contender without first being named a genuine, authentic business is somewhat funny since it\'s likened to a mosquito humming in your ear, attempting to stand out. Odds are you\'ll smack the irritating vermin before it has the opportunity to completely hurt you even in the littlest of ways. Also, regardless of whether it land and begins to suck up what it needs to endure the demonstration comprises an immediate test and in this manner an immediate reaction that DramaCool probably felt as a humongous blow chose to have them closed down. That is the one thing that more modest locales online absolutely never appear to acknowledge when they choose to attempt to challenge the greater, more settled organizations. Except if you can figure out how to be viewed as an authentic business then, at that point, it\'s basically impossible that that anybody will treat you in a serious way. Assuming you choose to go radical and attempt to take on the enormous organizations with next to no protection as far as regardless of whether you can keep close by once they notice you, then, at that point, the more modest organization is quite often going to lose, particularly assuming that they\'re endeavoring to redirect the matter of those that have been laid out for quite a while. So to summarize it, DramaCool was not working lawfully and subsequently they got closed down quite hard. That happens when you challenge somebody greater and can\'t back it up.

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Gaming laws have been introduced and amended over the years in order to regulate the gambling industry. Minimum share capital requirements are imposed on applicants and licence holders, with the amount of share capital varying according to the gaming licence held. There is no restriction on the use of digital and virtual currencies as a payment method for gambling, though operators wishing to accept virtual currencies will need to demonstrate how any additional risks of them doing so are mitigated. The levy will first be charged on entities that are regulated during the financial year from 1 April 2022 to 31 March 2023, and the amount payable will be determined by reference to their size based on their UK revenue from periods of account ending in that year. 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Under the Gaming Act, “licensable” activities are all governed under one umbrella Act - both land-based and remote gaming are licensable by the MGA through the Gaming Act and the Regulations that fall thereunder. B2C licences cover the activities of making a game for participation by players as an economic activity, thus having an operator that offers gaming services for consumption by an individual. 2. Operation of this Federal Law does not extend to activities for the organization and carrying out lotteries, and also to activities of the organizers of trade performing the activities according to the Federal Law "About the Organized Biddings". AML laws and Implementing Procedures state that a customer due diligence (“CDD”) check on players must be carried out for account opening, whilst an enhanced due diligence check must be conducted by no later than the request of the first withdrawal, or when reaching a cumulative deposit, amounting to €2,000. The bulk of the social responsibility obligations imposed upon British gambling licensees are set out in the second part of the “Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice” or “LCCP”, as referred to above. Otherwise, payment processing per se is not licensable under British gambling law and the main restrictions are that land-based bingo and casinos may not offer credit for wagers and remote gambling operators may not accept credit card payments (including through money services providers). Whereas remote gaming operators may have their gaming equipment and servers located anywhere in the EU/EEA, a forensic live copy of the players’ database, financial transactions database and gaming transactions log database need to be located in Malta. Any gaming licensee (both land-based or remote gaming) are required to have a number of key persons holding a personal licence, termed as a “Key Function Holder Licence”. No. The free spins are credited onto one of 4 games that have been pre-selected by Sloty. Type 2: Games of chance played against the house through a Matchbook. But if the game includes a randomized element, such as a random chance as to which prize you can win, even if the outcome relies on skill it's considered a game of chance and is illegal under the regulations against slot machines. The casino edge for blackjack is generally 2 percent, while it has a 25 percent edge for slot machines and a 5 to 7 percent edge for roulette. While some might have some passing knowledge, many haven't learned anything new since their time in high school. This sandwich doesn't usually have traditional toppings such as lettuce, tomatoes or mayonnaise. Such responsible gaming obligations include that players must have the ability to set deposit limits, play-time limits or exclude themselves from playing for a specific amount of time or indefinitely. The Gaming License Fees Regulations (SL 583.03 of the Laws of Malta) provide that B2C operators shall pay a variable licence fee, termed as a compliance contribution, which is calculated on the gaming revenue generated. The variable licence fee is payable monthly and is calculated throughout the financial year of the operator. A licensed gaming operator cannot operate unless it has all the Key Functions defined at law held by Key Function Holder Licensees.


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